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Submission for the "International Workshop on Urbanization and Sustainable Water management strategies"
Hosted by LMU Munich and IAHS-Urban Water Working Group (HELPING Decade)

International workshop on
Urbanization and Sustainable Water management strategies in the Global South.
At Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Südliches Schlossrondell 23, 80638 München
Nov 4-5, 2024

The increasing focus on the interplay of urbanization, hydrological extreme events, and water management in the world, and especially in the global south, reflects attention towards the challenges in urban water systems. It is now well known that nearly half of all people now live in urban areas. Indeed Urbanization is a dynamic process through which cities grow, characterized by the increasing concentration of population and economic activities. This phenomenon has precipitated notable shifts in land use, infrastructure development, and water management practices, all of which have contributed to the exacerbation of urban flooding, water quality deterioration, and unsuspected other water-related challenges. In response to these concerns, various strategies and approaches have been proposed to address the challenges of urbanization related to water management, water supply, and the mitigation of urban flooding or urban heat. To dive into the topic and foster an interdisciplinary approach, we therefore announce a call for abstracts for an upcoming 2-day workshop focusing on the crucial interface of urbanization and urban water management strategies, with a particular emphasis on addressing challenges and opportunities in the global south.

The workshop aims to provide a platform for intensive exchange and dialogue on the current fronts and progress in urbanization and urban water management strategies, with a specific focus on addressing the unique contexts and needs of the global south. The workshop is hosted by LMU Munich and supported by the IAHS-Urban Water Working Group (HELPING Decade). For oral presentation, submission of a research abstract is required, which must be in English and discuss one or more of the following themes (but not limited to):
  1. Urbanization trends in the Global South (Comparative and Synthesis Studies)
  2. Emerging Issues on Water Quality and Eco-Hydrology
  3. Preparing Urban Systems for Extremes
  4. Enhancement of Citizen Science in flood management 
  5. Innovative solutions for a resilient urban water system

Submission Guidelines:

We invite interested researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to submit abstracts for oral presentations addressing one of the key topics outlined above. Abstracts Submissions shall include author information, contact details, the title of the presentation, and an abstract of 300–500 words. Please submit your abstract via the following form by May 15th, 2024. The organizing committee will evaluate and select submissions for presentations. Prospective presenters will be notified about the acceptance decisions by June 3rd, 2024.  

LMU Munich offers funding for accommodation and travel costs for a limited number of active attendees. Applicants will be selected according to the quality and thematic focus of their submitted abstracts.

The workshop is free and is open to all, but all interested listeners have to register via the following form.

We acknowledge the support of LMU Munich Postdoc Support funding and Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

We look forward to welcoming you to LMU, Munich. For further questions, please contact Dr. Olabisi Obaitor (o.obaitor@lmu.de, LMU Munich) or Dr. Bertil Nlend (nlendbertil@yahoo.fr, IAHS Working Group on Urbanization and Water)

See a formal pdf version of the announcement

1. Personal Information:

2. Registration:

I register as:

3. Abstract Submission

Please upload a pdf file with title, coauthors and affiliations and abstract of max 500 words in English, if you plan to actively contribute to the workshop.

Please upload your abstract in pdf Format

LMU Munich offers funding for accomodation and travel costs for a limited number of active participants. Applicants will be selected according to quality and thematic focus of their submitted abstracts by May 27, 2024.

4. I will participate in the joint dinner on 04.11.2024 (own expenses):


6. Data Protection:

Dr. Olabisi Obaitor, Department for Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtität München – 2024